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BioRePeelCl3® is the latest and a complete Italian-made aesthetic peeling treatment for face, neck and décolleté with minimal-zero downtime. It is painless, needle free and suitable for ALL skin types and all seasons.
Also called Glass Skin Peel with real and instant result that won’t put your social plans on hold! It can be done as a standalone application before a big event to get an incredible Glow!
Results are immediate and continue to improve day after day.
3 appointments are recommended for best results.




InformationProcedure time: 5 mins Results seen: 24hrs Downtime: None Back to work: Immediately Anaesthetic: None Sessions required: 1-2 times per week for the first 4-6 weeks
BenefitsAnti-ageing Supports clarity, memory and concentration Supports metabolic functions Boosts energy Provides superior immune support Enhances athletic performance Safe for administration Non-toxic in nature
Why have Biotin Injections?Biotin also known as B7 or vitamin H, is a type of B complex vitamin that occurs naturally in a variety of foods, such as egg yolks, milk and dairy, legumes, nuts, avocados, bananas and organ meats like liver. Biotin helps support a healthy nervous system and improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. This is why Biotin is known to help with hair growth and improve the general health of hair, skin and nails. It is also an important part of how enzymes in the body break down substances like fats, protein and carbohydrates into energy. Biotin can be taken in tablet form or given intramuscularly as an injection. Most supplements are not effectively absorbed by our bodies through ingestion, intramuscular Biotin injections have been more effective in increasing Biotin levels faster in many patients
Biotin BenefitsAlthough the main known benefit of Biotin is related to hair growth, there are many more benefits as listed below: Aids in healthy sweat glands Good for nerve tissue and bone marrow Supports healthy cell growth, promoting healthy, glowing skin - with additional anti-ageing benefits Improves acne, eczema and skin conditions Strengthens hair and helps create Red Blood Cells that carry the nutrition and oxygen to the scalp and hair follicles, thus promoting healthy hair growth. Aids in preventing hair loss Promotes nail growth and strengthens dry, brittle nails Improves blood glucose Increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss by triggering the reactions needed to turn food into fuel Boots enzyme production, which in turn supports the metabolisation of fat and carbohydrates Creates amino acids that play a vital role in building up proteins (cell strength), which has a great effect on rejuvenation
How does HI-EMT work?HI-EMT uses high energy focused electromagnetic wave technology to continuously expand and contract autologous muscle and carry out extreme training to deeply reshape and internal structure of the muscle, that is the growth of muscle fibrils (muscle enlargement). Also producing new protein chains and muscle fibres (muscle hyperplasia) this increases muscle density and volume. The extreme 100% muscle contraction of HI-EMT technology can trigger a large amount of fat decomposition, fatty acids are broken down from triglycerides and accumulated in fat cells. The concentration of fatty acids are to high causing the fat cell to apoptosis (die), which is excreted by the body's normal metabolism within a few weeks. Therefore HI-EMT can strengthen and increase muscle at the same time as reducing fat.
What’s the aftercare?EMS Body Contouring treatment does not require any downtime. Patients may feel sore and sensitive in the treatment area, but this will be like the feeling after an intense workout. Best results are seen following a course of 4 sessions. Results will continue to progress 2-4 weeks after the last session, and these will continue for the following more weeks.
What areas can EMS Body contouring treatment target?Stomach/Abdomen Buttocks (Butt Lift) Upper Arms/Biceps/Triceps Thighs Calves
How Many EMS Body Contouring Sessions Do You Need?For EMS Sculpt to produce the desired results, you will need multiple sessions. For most patients, between 4-6 sessions spaced about 3 days apart is usually enough to sculpt the body into the exact shape you want. Treatment sessions for EMS SCULPT usually take 30 minutes to complete but may take more or less time depending on how many areas of the body are being treated.
What’s the aftercare?Aftercare is drinking lots of water and avoiding fatty food. Implementing some light exercise to the daily routine has been proven to double the results from the treatment.
How does ultrasound cavitation, laser lipo and radio-frequency work?Ultrasonic cavitation: Also known as ultrasonic lipolysis, this treatment uses sound waves to break down fat cells in the skin. The fat is then absorbed by the lymphatic system and eliminated naturally. This treatment is a safer alternative to liposuction and doesn't require incisions. Radio frequency: A heat treatment that tightens and contours the skin by heating collagen fibers to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin. Lipo laser: A low-level laser that can be used for body contouring.
What to expect during the body contouring treatment?This treatment usually takes up to an hour and you will be awake throughout. During the treatment, a light buzzing of the ultrasound will be audible, and a warm sensation can be felt over the skin. Some clients may experience a small amount of redness on the treated areas which is very normal and will usually subside within 30 minutes.
When will I see the results and how many treatments should I have?Most clients experience an immediate, visible inch loss after their first treatment and then all subsequent treatments. The results continue as the body eliminates the liquid fat over the next 3 to 5 days following each treatment. As part of your initial consultation, I will discuss your treatment programme. Typically, a course of 8 to 10 treatments is recommended to get more dramatic results. Some clients may need / want less. My treatments are results driven and tailored to my client’s aims. Each client’s body will respond differently, and this is also dependant on my clients keeping hydrated and following a healthy and active lifestyle during their treatment programme and beyond.
When are results seen?Results are seen immediately after the first session.
How many sessions is required?Each session is 45mins and we advise clients to go for around 5 to 8 sessions overall, once a week, for maximum results. The duration of the treatment depends on the area and level of difficulty, and ranges in duration from 45mins to 75 minutes.
What is the aftercare?All clients are given a certified louis walsh aftercare product to apply to the treated skin three times a day. Apart from this Clients can resume normal activities immediately after their session. A sensation like sunburn is often observed, if clients feel particularly aware of the treatment area over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be taken. A carbon crust will appear at the site of the Skin Tag Removal, do not pick, peel or pull at carbon crust.
What does it treat?Fine lines Crow’s feet lines Nasolabial folds Marionette lines Smokers Lines Neck Lines Drooping skin Drooping skin on neck, above knees and elbows Moles Skin tags Pigmentation removal.
How many sessions is required?Some people may see benefits from one treatment, while others may require three treatments before they see results.
How do Anti-Wrinkles work?Whilst the face is in motion, the lines that appear are known as dynamic wrinkles, however, repeated movement over time forms deeper lines and folds known as static wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle injectables are made from a purified protein that temporarily causes facial muscles to relax preventing the formation of static wrinkles by stopping the signal between the nerve and the muscle. The decreased movement in the muscle places less stress on the skin helping you maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. This treatment is most effective when used as a preventative measure.
Side effectsDepending on the sensitivity of your skin and any medications (like aspirin,ibuprogen and blood thinners) you may be taking, there is the chance of temporary, minor side effects including; -Mild swelling at or around the injection site -Mild tenderness or bruising at or around the injection site -Tiny red dots at the injection site -A mild headache, depending on the treatment area.
Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle InjectablesSoften and prevent You don’t have to have wrinkles to know you don’t want them in your future. While their main purpose is to improve or temporarily remove existing lines, anti-wrinkle injectables can be used as a preventative measure to help soften the expression lines that form when your face moves and put the formation of future lines on pause Look more rested With both age and repetitive muscle movement, lines settle into the face and are visible even at rest. It’s these static, 24/7 lines that can make your face look tired and fatigued. By softening those lines and wrinkles in the skin, your face looks more fresher, more youthful and relaxed. Shape and symmetry Anti-wrinkle injectables can do more than just reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles; they can also be used to lift certain parts of the face and balance asymmetrical features
ResultsWhile cosmetic injectables are a relatively time-friendly and convenient treatment, it can take anywhere from 2-7 days for you to see a difference, with the full effect visible after two weeks. Something to remember when you’re timing your treatment for a special event.
How much hyaluronic acid is in Profhilo?At 64mg per 2ml, Profhilo is formulated with one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market. This makes it a highly effective product.
How long will the results last?Results can last up to six to eight months, after which you would need a top-up treatment to maintain the appearance achieved with Profhilo. As with all treatments, the results will differ from one person to the next.
How many treatments will I need?You would need two Profhilo treatments 28 days apart initially then a top-up treatment every six to eight months to maintain the results.
How is Vitamin C administered?An intramuscular (IM) injection at the top of the arm.
How is B12 administered?An intramuscular (IM) injection at the top of the arm.
How many sessions are required?Depending on the area being treated sessions vary, however, typically three sessions is recommended to see the best results.
Is everyone suitable for fat dissolving?Fat dissolving is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Clients that have a medical history of Type 2 diabetes or pathological conditions such as cancer are also not allowed to have the treatment. Each client is assessed through a consultation to make sure he/she is eligible for the treatment.
Are Fat Dissolving Injections Safe?Fat dissolving is an FDA-Approved safe and effective procedure. No major untreatable side effects have occurred in over 2 million treatments worldwide so far and not one single incidence of overdose or toxic effects has been recorded.
When will I start to see the results?Clients should expect to see results 2-4 weeks after their first session of fat dissolving.
What is the aftercare?Drinking plenty of water 2-3L per day Avoiding fatty food Avoiding caffeine for 48hrs after the treatment Avoid high temperature stimulation such as: sauna, steam room, hot tub bath, hot packs, etc. Cleansing and light showers are allowable on the day of the injection. Exercise and/or excessive sweating should be avoided, and sport massage is not recommended. Do not touch or press excessively on the treatment area. Drinking or excessive smoking is prohibited. A balanced and healthy diet is recommended to be used in conjunction with the treatment to ensure the best result.
How long do the results last?Skin tag removals are generally long lasting; however, new tags may form, and these can be removed again.
What areas of the body can be treated with plasmapen for skin tag removal?The plasmapen can be used almost anywhere on the body.
What is the aftercare?Clients can resume normal activities immediately after their session. A sensation like sunburn is often observed, if clients feel particularly aware of the treatment area over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be taken. A carbon crust will appear at the site of the Skin Tag Removal, do not pick, peel or pull at carbon crust. You can shower 48 hours after the removal or Cleanse the area twice daily with mild soap and lukewarm boiled water to avoid build-up of bacteria. Do not use alcohol-based cleansers or apply plasters as this can slow healing. The area treated must be kept free of all make up, mascaras, creams and lotions other than recommended aftercare products until the crust has fallen off and the skin has healed (approx. 48-72 hours). There may be swelling for one to five days after treatment – recovery times are generally shorter than this. This is a normal reaction, and part of the initial stages of the skin healing & rebuilding. Typically swelling is at its worst on day 3 and will have subsided by day 5. Clients must contact me if at any time the area becomes hot, red or shows signs of infection.
Am I a good candidate for Plasmapen skin tag removal?Each persons skin is assessed during a consultation to determine the number of treatments needed, their suitability, and likely outcomes. Book a consultation today.
Why we use the Soprano Titanium?Faster than ever treatment times Suitable for all skin types Long lasting hair removal Amazing results even after the 1st session Virtually painless Clinically proven 3D technology
What Concerns Can Polynucleotides Work For?Polynucleotides are great for treating dull and dry, or sensitive skin. Due to their ability to smooth fine lines, tighten skin and encourage glowing skin. Polynucleotides are perfect for: Enhancing skin hydration, circulation and overall skin quality. Forehead: Can be used as an alternative to popular anti-wrinkle injections. Eyes: Dark circles, fine lines and under-eye hollowness. Cheeks Early crepiness, more visible on smiling Mouth: Polynucleotides smooth lines around the mouth without plumping or adding volume. Particularly useful for treating lines around the mouth/chin (whether caused by smoking or not) Neck: Tightening up fine lines or creepy-looking skin
How many sessions are required?The number of polynucleotide sessions you need depends on your goals and the areas being treated, but typically you'll need 2-3 sessions spaced 2-4 weeks apart. After the initial sessions, you'll usually need maintenance treatments every 6–9 months to maintain the results.
What Does Polynucleotides Do?A course reduces the appearance of wrinkles and uneven skin tone, while improving skin hydration. It’s especially good at tackling hollow or sunken-looking eyes.
How does BioRePeelCl3 work?By exfoliating and removing outer layers of skin cells, BioRePeel effectively prevents skin aging, reduces damage caused by UV light, and diminishes pigmentation and acne scars. Furthermore, it promotes cell turnover, collagen production, elastin, and hyaluronic acid synthesis. BioRePeelCI3 is versatile and suitable for individuals of all ages and skin types. Its anti-aging properties result in brighter, firmer, and smoother skin with a reduction in fine lines. Additionally, it is beneficial for young skin experiencing acne, blackheads, and mild scarring.
How long does the treatment take to work?Skin Boosters are usually recommended in sessions or 2 or 3 and full results can be seen after around 4 weeks. After this time, you can repeat the treatment, or keep your skin replenished and ‘topped-up’ by having an individual treatment every 3-6 months.
How does microneedling work?The pinpricks from microneedling cause slight injury to the skin, and the skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissue. This new skin tissue is more even in tone and texture. It’s common for the skin to lose collagen with age or injury. By encouraging the skin to make new tissue, additional collagen may help make the skin firmer.
Microneedling can improvethe appearance of scars, including acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles enlarged pores the appearance of hyperpigmentation, or dark spots uneven skin tone skin elasticity the appearance of stretch marks hair growth in people with alopecia
How many sessions of microneedling do you need?You'll need at least three treatment sessions for collagen induction. If you have deeper pockmarks or scarring, you may need 3-6 treatment sessions, scheduled several 4-6 weeks apart, to fully fill in and restore your skin.
What is Vitamin B12?Vitamin B12 Injections are usually given as hydroxocobalamin or cyanocobalamin. These are very effective at raising blood levels of B12 and preventing/reversing a deficiency.
BenefitsCan help boost your body’s energy levels by preventing fatigue Helping you to lose weight Lowering the risk of heart disease and other serious health concerns Essential for the health of your skin, hair and nails. Its other benefits include Boosting your brainpower by slowing down memory loss Alleviating anxiety and aiding sleep
What is Vitamin C?Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and helps to protect the body. It is vital for healthy skin, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage. It also promotes and aids in healing. Injecting Vitamin C delivers the perfect amount of this vital vitamin directly, leaving you feeling and looking fantastic. Vitamin C has a positive impact on skin pigmentation, free radicals, resistance to allergies and some health conditions.
BenefitsHelps resist allergies by improving the immune system Improves specific health conditions and fights disease and flu like symptoms Helps ease any tiredness and fatigue Increases energy levels when feeling “run down” Fights free radicals in the body that can cause illness and accelerated ageing Proven to aide memory skills by increasing neurotransmitter levels in the brain. Helps fight depression Aides weight loss by increasing metabolism Helps with bone strength
What causes reduced levels of Vitamin D?When the body’s requirements outweigh the amount synthesised, particularly common in residents in the UK and Western Europe Inadequate food intake or poor intestinal absorption
BenefitsReduces risk of hypertension Fights infection Reduces the risk associated with obesity Reduces risk of cognitive decline Reduces risk of Parkinson disease Protects against age related Macular Degeneration Reduces risk of Multiple Sclerosis Benefits in Pre-diabetes Strengthens bones Helps cancer patients
What is Vitamin D?Vitamin D (otherwise known as calciferol) is produced due to sun exposure. Many foods and supplements also contain vitamin D. The vitamin plays an important role in maintaining bones, teeth, and optimal immune function. A vitamin D deficiency can cause calcium deficiency disease, and hyperparathyroidism, a hormone imbalance that raises the blood calcium levels.
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